

340B Health

The 340B Drug Pricing Program allows safety-net providers to cover core services and expenses for the most vulnerable populations in the country, but it is currently under threat.


Facing a barrage of attacks from pharmaceutical manufacturers, we jumped at the chance to help protect the drug discount program in partnership with 340B Health, a membership organization that advocates for more than 12,000 safety-net hospitals. We developed a vital web resource for policymakers, media, and others to learn about the program. We wrote and placed op-eds to support the 340B program in critical target states and drafted reports that showcase the program’s need and successes. And today, we’re still working with 340B Health to amplify the voices of safety-net providers through strategic advice on policy and engagement as well as sharing intelligence on potential changes to the program.


  • Provide strategic counsel on the best policy options and political pathways to protect the program.
  • Provide support and advice for positioning 340B Health’s leadership as thought leaders, issue experts, and a go-to resource for policymakers.
  • Analyze how new proposals or regulations will impact the 340B Program, providers participating in the program, and patients that rely on the program.
  • Represent 340B Health on the Hill with key Congressional leaders and their staff.
  • Developed the 340B Coalition website to inform policymakers, the media, and other stakeholders on the important issues impacting 340B and critical nature of the program for covered entities.
  • Drafted and placed op-eds and letters to support the 340B program in critical states and congressional districts.

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