Creating lasting and meaningful change.
Our roots are in the halls of government – from Congress and the executive branch to city hall. Our namesake, former Congressman Henry Waxman, delivered landmark legislation that made health care fairer and more affordable, made our air and water cleaner and our government more responsive to the needs of its people. And this passion for sculpting smart, workable and politically viable policy continues in the work we do each day.
We understand how government works and what levers must be pulled to reach your policy goals. Our team of seasoned experts are your eyes and ears on Capitol Hill and in regulatory agencies. We know that for changes to last, smart policymaking must be part of the conversation – and that exterior pressure for change needs allies on the inside who know how the system works. Whether it’s expanding access to critical health solutions, making drug pricing fairer, or ensuring industries are held accountable for environmental harm, our team of policy experts works every day to help shape the legislation that will continue the march of progress.
But policy changes don’t end at the marble steps of Congress – we also see the role that corporations and NGOs can play in solving problems through thoughtful internal policies. Our policy team also works closely with our skilled advocacy leaders to ensure that policies made in the public interest are brought to the table in the rooms where decisions are made.
Areas of Expertise
- Offering Strategic Counsel on Policy Strategy: We provide counsel on how to hone your policy priorities and play a role in cultivating policy change. We work closely with clients to develop and prioritize a strategic policy agenda, identify opportunities for action, and deploy effective tactics that lead to outcomes that matter.
- Providing Subject Matter Expertise and Technical Assistance: We offer non-partisan subject matter expertise drawing on our extensive collective experience in Congress for developing and implementing policy.
- Performing In-Depth Policy Analysis and Crafting Data-Driven Reports: We dig in on specific policy matters, analyzing data, producing comprehensive reports, and commenting on key issues. We use this capability to support you in developing policy positions and responding to policy proposals.
- Responding to Legislative and Regulatory Proposals: We work with you to build a process for drafting, reviewing, approving, and disseminating statements and responses to legislative and federal rulemaking proposals. When needed, we can also analyze proposals and draft responses on behalf of clients.
Why Waxman
I have spent my career advocating for and implementing policies that improve our healthcare system and ensure access to needed health care. Whether working in government or as an advocate for a worthy cause, I am proud to have helped champion effective, responsive policy in the public interest.
With Waxman Strategies, I have an opportunity to continue that work every day. We are dedicated to change in the public interest and we live our commitment in the work that we do. Our team of uncompromising, driven policy experts and advocates is here to work with like-minded organizations that know that smart policy is key to lasting, sustainable progress.
Bill Corr
Bill Corr, Principal
Bill Corr is a veteran policy expert with four decades of experience working at the highest levels of government, including serving as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.