

Ensuring quality, affordable care.

We believe health care is a right and promote policy to increase access to quality, affordable health care. Our mission is to build a stronger health care system through evidence-based policy and data-driven innovation.

We take on complex health issues and counsel like-minded clients on how to navigate inside and outside the Beltway, leveraging our extensive policy expertise and experience.

Policy Capabilities

  • Strategic Counsel on Overall Policy Strategy: We provide counsel on how to hone your policy priorities and play a role in cultivating policy change. We work closely with clients to develop and prioritize a strategic policy agenda, identify opportunities for action, and deploy effective tactics that lead to outcomes that matter.
  • Subject Matter Expertise and Technical Assistance: We offer non-partisan subject matter expertise drawing on our extensive collective experience in Congress and the Executive branch in developing and implementing policy.
  • In-Depth Policy Analysis and Data-Driven Reports: We dig in on specific policy matters, analyzing data, producing comprehensive reports, and commenting on key issues. We use this capability to support you in developing policy positions and responding to policy proposals.
  • Building Your Federal Presence: We help you cultivate relationships with and navigate Congress, government agencies, advocacy organizations, and other key influencers to build support for your policy priorities and identify potential allies for your policy agenda.
  • Lobbying Support: We ensure you have the opportunities to make your case on key policy issues and proposals. Our support includes representing clients directly, helping them shape their messaging, and strategically guiding engagement.
  • Responding to Legislative and Regulatory Proposals: We work with you to build a process for drafting, reviewing, approving, and disseminating statements and responses to legislative and federal rulemaking proposals. When needed, we can also analyze proposals and draft responses on behalf of clients.
  • Influencer Activation: We pinpoint the key thought leaders on specific issues and help activate their partnership. We also work with you to build the capacity, strength, and responsiveness of your grassroots and affiliate networks, as needed.

Communications Capabilities

  • Streamlining Your Message: We help you strengthen and streamline your message within your organization and to external stakeholders, develop materials, and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Thought Leadership Content: We craft unique narratives that position you as a leading industry voice, utilizing data and case studies as reinforcing proof points.
  • Media, Analyst, and Funder Relations: We focus your messages for external audiences and place you in the outlets and industry reports where key constituents look to form opinions.
  • Putting You at the Forefront of Decision-Makers and Media: We ensure you are visible at the events that matter and your participation is maximized, whether attending, speaking, or sponsoring.
  • Rapid Response and Crisis Communications: We are at the ready to help you proactively respond to breaking news and important issues by deftly structuring responses to “fire drills” any time trouble arises.

If you have other needs not specifically listed above, please let us know. Our capabilities and expertise are broad, and we can adapt to meet your goals.

Why Waxman

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Nam sit amet magna posuere, viverra urna ut, eleifend massa. Aliquam ut enim sed turpis hendrerit ultrices. Vestibulum purus tortor, vestibulum non lacus sed, finibus scelerisque ante. Praesent ligula tortor, volutpat a molestie non, varius vel nisi. Nullam in lorem quis augue sodales fermentum at sed sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et urna ullamcorper, scelerisque dolor in, aliquam turpis. Nullam varius urna arcu, non pulvinar leo egestas eget. Integer ut vulputate urna. Cras non lorem feugiat, elementum tortor sit amet, pretium diam.

Rose Garr

Rose Garr, Vice President

As a Senior Campaign Director, Rose Garr leads Waxman Strategies’ advocacy work on U.S. environmental policy and domestic environmental issues.

Case Study

  • Promoting Women’s Preventive Health Services


  • Shaping A National Nutrition Narrative: Generating Media Around the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

Real Change

Seize the moment. Send the message. Solve the problem. With Waxman, it’s all possible.